Meet the artist: Fanny Papay

fanny papay

Packed with vivid colours and unusual shapes that seem to melt into one another, CHROMATIC is probably the trippiest 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle in the whole Cloudberries range.

We took a moment to catch up with Fanny Papay, the brilliant Budapest-based artist behind the design, to see what other fun designs and stories she has for us puzzle nerds!

Whatโ€™s one thing in your everyday life that you canโ€™t go without as an artist?

Iโ€™m a freelance artist, so basically I work from home. It’s a very simple but very important thing to go outside at least once a day and see the sun, meet with people and ‘load up’ myself.

Chromatic is a psychedelic 1000-piece puzzle by Cloudberries

Whatโ€™s the most important trait that you think an artist should have?

Itโ€™s hard to narrow this down to a word because it is made up of many values to make someone a really good artist. If I had to highlight one, it would be uniqueness.

In making art, where do you draw inspiration from?

I’ve noticed that the most effective way is to sit down with a blank sheet and pen and just let myself carry the flow and think, but for sure Iโ€™m following great artists and blogs what inspires me a lot.

Where did you come up with the idea for CHROMATIC?

Sometimes a ready-made artwork appears in my mind out of nothing. I donโ€™t really know how these things work but I think itโ€™s super exciting. With CHROMATIC the situation was the same โ€“ just appeared in my mind, and my only task was to visually execute it.

Where can we learn more about your incredible artworks?

I have an Instagram, I use that the most as a representation of my works, @papayfanny. Also, I have a Behance @papayfanny

Whatโ€™s your favorite thing about working with Cloudberries?

I love to see my work on different surfaces, and perhaps the Cloudberries puzzle was the most extreme surface where my work ever appeared.

Whatโ€™s the most fulfilling thing about making art?

Maybe this will be a very abstract example, but to create is like giving birth every time to something completely new which lives in the world.

A very popular statement is that it is no longer possible to create new things. I deeply disagree with that. I believe in creating new things, otherwise, it would be no point to summary, itโ€™s worth doing for the feeling youโ€™ve created something.

After designing the CHROMATIC puzzle, how do you find jigsaw puzzles?

I think itโ€™s a great idea to display artwork as a puzzle, bringing people closer to art and introducing them to artists they may not have otherwise met.

Eager to get a copy of CHROMATIC? Take a look here!

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